Friends of Children and Literature
Los Angeles Public Library Children's Literature Department

2023 - 2024 Board of Directors
President - Marilyn N. Robertson
Library Services, Teacher, Teacher Librarian, LAUSD, Retired.
Past President - SCCLCYP and CSLA
Vice President/Membership - Susan Savory
Buyer for Independent Bookstores, Visual Artist
Secretary - Michele Marot
LAUSD MS Math/Science Teacher, retired
Battle of the Books
Treasurer - Kathryn Wilcox
Chair, Book Sale Committee - Lara Clardy
Founding Member, Past Board President
Teacher - Retired
Social Media Chair - Dewi Ochoa-Reyes
Early Childhood Teacher, Westside Neighborhood School
Historian - Carmen Dean
Educational Consultant, LACOE
Teacher LAUSD - retired
Liaison - Tina Princenthal
Senior Librarian LAPL Children's Literature Department
Liaison - Madeline Pena
LAPL Senior Librarian Manager - Strategic Projects & Partnerships/Friends Liaison
Liaison - Diane Olivo- Posner
Principal Librarian LAPL Exploration & Creativity
In memoriam - Janet McQuat
Library Media Teacher, Fleming Junior High Founding member
In memoriam - Peggy Miller
Supervisor, Library Services, Los Angeles Unified School District
Founding Member, Past Board President
In memoriam - Edythe McGovern
Teacher, Children’s Literature, Valley College
Board Secretary
In memoriam - Carol Onofrio
Puppet-maker for FOCAL Award books
In memoriam - Caroline Gill
Library Media Teacher, Palms MS and Venice HS
Los Angeles Unified School District
National Board Certified Teacher
Past Board President
FOCAL Bylaws can be found here